RDvelho: Creating an Intelligent World
RD Velho is an intelligent business developer as well as a product and software development professional. Their core competencies range from business design, information systems, embedded devices, mechanics to design. The wizards design a more intelligent world in co-operation with their customers and want to help the customers improve through technologic solutions.
Developing customers businesses with business design lead
Riku Rennicke, the CIO of RD Velho: “Over the years our competencies have expanded significantly. Nowadays, we want to be involved when the customer does not yet have the solutions needed. At this stage, it is immensely important to consider the needs of the end customer/user and that the product being developed fulfils these needs. The conditions for profitable business must also exist before investing in product development.”
The collaboration started at the beginning of 2019, and the sale took place in the autumn of 2018. Why did you chose us?
“Your cold call had amazing timing. I was at that time exploring options for a sales development partner. The choice was between four partners from whom you differentiated. The biggest reason for choosing you was the way you handled the sales process, which was on a whole new level from the others. During our negotiations, I learned from you how to push the sales process forward, how to defend pricing and how to generate a value promise. Your ´both sides of the table’ – expertise became validated in the way you actively sought to understand where we were and where we wanted to go. After that, you made us a customized offer, that we together in co-operation improved.”
Real customers and real cases
Now the Business Design program has gone through 6 months, during which the Wizards have been working on real cases for their clients. Rennicke: “One of the biggest differences from our previous partners is that we now have brought real cases and customer representatives to our workshops. This new concept is a part of our strategy now”.
”We have improved communication with our customers. In the past, we tended to go for a quick solution, make a technical POC and then be surprised when the project did not continue after a successful technical pilot. Now we focus instead on which business problem we are solving, or whether we are looking for a new business. The customer’s appreciation for us grows as we engage in this discussion before considering how to move forward. We have also improved our ability to discuss with customer’s people, and we are pleased to have more conversations with those in charge of the business.”
“Our collaboration continues in the fall. The goal is to go over, deepen and extend our learning to a broader sales team. The goal is to go over, deepen and extend our learnings to a broader sales team. We will continue to involve our customers in the workshops and also bring new customer cases to them as well.”

A more intelligent world is created as a result of high-quality know-how, passion and innovativeness. We offer a unique service package that combines product development, service design and business development. Based on our many years of experience in product and business development, we dare to say that we are the wizards in our line of business.